We hereby certify that the products listed on this certification are original factory-made products and are in conformity with the technical specifications declared by the manufacturer.
HYRobotics is independently audited and certified to be in conformance with ISO 9001
US Patent for Weight measurement system
ISO 9000 is a standard for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies. Some of the requirements in ISO 9001 (which is one of the standards in the ISO 9000 family) would include:
a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;
monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;
keeping adequate records;
checking output for defects, with appropriate corrective action where necessary;
regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and
facilitating continual improvement
HYRobotics is independently audited and certified to be in conformance with ISO 9001
HYRobotics manufacturing plant is certified with International Standard Organization 9001: ISO 9001.
ISO 9001 Certified plant is manufacturing products with the optimum process to improve its quality to satisfy their customers.
ISO 9001 Certified production will ensure each component of robot inspection form supplier, the control process for manufacturing and test finished products with step by step of ISO 9001 Certified Step.
We hereby certify that the products listed on this certification are original factory-made products and are in conformity with the technical specifications declared by the manufacturer.
CE Mark Requirements for Machinery
In this document, the manufacturer or authorized representative declares that the machinery is designed and built according to all applicable European safety standards. It has to be pointed out that all requirements mainly apply to the safety of the machine and not to the entire technical system and technology. Safety means the safety of persons, of the environment, of goods.
Definition of Machinery
For the purpose of the directive, 'machinery' means an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate actuators, control, and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of material. The directive does even apply to machinery that is not stand-alone systems. The term 'machinery' also covers an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integrated whole. The individual components of the machinery do not have to carry the CE Mark. However, some separately sold components ("safety components, placed on the market separately") will need to bear the CE Mark.
Additionally the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) Directive 89/336/EEC has come into effect since January 1st, 1996. Manufacturers must ensure their products conform to this strict directive. Not only must they not emit electromagnetic disturbances, but they must also be immune to them. Any electrical product that could be construed as having an intrinsic purpose (i.e. is not simply a component), will have the CE marking to indicate conformity.
What CE standards are applicable for machinery?
What standards your machine has to comply with depends on the machine itself and its use. The standards are so numerous that usually a database search is required.
The most important harmonized standards which most likely apply to your machinery are
EN 60204
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines
Part 1: General Requirements
EN 292
Safety of machinery. Basic terminology. General principles
Part 1 and 2
A harmonized standard is a standard which is harmonized for use in all member states.
The manufacturer retains the responsibility for certifying the conformity of their machinery to the relevant essential requirements. Conformity to harmonized standards creates a presumption of conformity to the relevant essential requirements. It is left to the sole discretion of the manufacturer, where he feels the need, to have his products examined and certified by a third party.
Hazard Assessment
The manufacturer is under an obligation to assess the hazards in order to identify all those which apply to his machine; he must then design and construct it taking his assessment into account. The assessment is to be recorded and included in the construction file.
Before issuing an EC declaration of conformity it is essential that the manufacturer or his authorized representative provides a technical construction file. It is not, however, essential that all documentation be permanently available in a material manner but it must be made available on demand. If a competent national authority asks that full documentation be presented, it will suffice that this documentation is compiled and made available in a reasonable time frame. The documentation need not include detailed plans of the subassemblies used in manufacturing the machines unless knowledge of these is indispensable in order to ascertain conformity with essential safety requirements.
The technical construction file comprises
an overall drawing of the machinery together with drawings of the control circuits
full detailed drawings, accompanied by any calculation notes, test results, etc required to check the conformity of the machinery with the essential safety and health requirements.
a list of
the essential requirements of the EC directive
standards, and
other technical specifications, which were used when the machine was designed
if he so desires, any technical report or certificate obtained from a competent body or laboratory
if he declares conformity with a harmonized standard which provides therefore, any technical report giving the results of tests carried out at his choice either by himself or by a competent body or laboratory
a description of methods adopted to eliminate hazards presented by the machinery
a copy of the instructions for the machinery.
The above construction file has to be in any one official language of the EC and will be accepted in other EC countries as well, even if a different language is spoken there. The maintenance manual may be required in the local language; this differs from case to case, see below. The operating manual is always needed in the local language.
You will find this info in the EC directive 89/392/EEC amended by directive 93/44/EEC Annex 1, 1.7.4: "... On being put into service, all machinery must be accompanied by a translation of the instructions in the language of the country in which the machinery is to be used and by the instructions in the original language. .... By way of derogation of this requirement, the maintenance instructions for use by specialized personnel employed by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community may be drawn up in only one of the Community languages understood by that personnel."
You can't write your operating manual as you like anymore. The EC directive lists very specifically what an operating manual must contain. All machinery must be accompanied by instructions including at least the following:
a repeat of the information with which the machinery is marked, together with any appropriate additional information to facilitate maintenance (e.g. address of the importer, repairers, etc.)
foreseen use of the machinery
workstations likely to be occupied by operators
instructions for safe
putting into service
handling, giving the mass of the machinery and its various parts where they are regularly to be transported separately
assembly, dismantling
maintenance (servicing and repair)
where necessary, training instructions.
Where necessary, the instructions should draw attention to ways in which the machinery should not be used.
Authorized representative
If the manufacturer does not reside in the European Community, Directive 89/392/EEC requires that he must name an authorized representative established in the EC. This representative noted in the EC declaration of conformity must be capable of making the construction file available to competent authorities on demand.
Checking of conformity
How does the CE marking become enforced? The member states of the European Community are free to choose the way how and when to check whether machinery is bearing the CE Mark. Thus each state does it differently through "competent authorities". Generally, no standard procedure exists to check on the machinery and it may never be checked at all.
The rule for the latest moment to affix the CE Mark and for issuing the EC declaration of conformity is: The machinery has to bear the CE Mark at the moment it is given to the user. For standard machinery, this may be the time of purchase or delivery. For special designed equipment or equipment which is assembled at the customer's site, this may be the moment after having set up the machinery and having put it into operation by the manufacturer and handing it over to the user. To sum it up: you never know, when you will be checked. It may be possible to use/sell machinery without CE marking unnoticed for quite a while. But the user/seller will be in bad shape, if an accident happens or if he is subject to a routine check. If the machinery bears the CE Mark, local authorities may ask for the construction file, which is required before issuing the EC declaration of conformity. The file has to remain available for at least 10 years following the date of manufacture of the machinery. The documentation has to be delivered in a reasonable time frame, e.g. 7 to 14 days, depending on the type of documentation. Failure to present the documentation in the response to a duly substantiated request by the competent national authorities may constitute sufficient grounds for doubting the presumption of conformity with the requirements of the EC directive.
How to reach EC conformity
The first step is to check, whether your equipment falls under the scope of the EC directive. If in doubt, you may ask an expert for a report on it. If the CE Mark requirements apply to your equipment, you may, for instance, proceed with these practical steps:
Make a database search for all European standards which are applicable to your machinery.
Check your equipment against these standards, make a safety analysis (hazard assessment) and keep a written record of this procedure.
Make changes to your equipment if required by the above analysis.
Compile the construction file.
Localize the operating manual and if necessary any maintenance manual. State herein the safety rules with which the equipment complies. Give notice in the manuals for which purpose the equipment is built. Give notice which safety hazards may arise and how to avoid them.
A fast, safe, and economical way to ensure you are fulfilling the CE Mark requirements is to employ local expertise in this field, to guide you through the necessary actions to be taken. BICON provides all services needed. Please refer to our list of those services designed to help you to get started fast and smooth.